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MCE Remote - MythTV Official Wiki - MythTV, Open Source DVR Ford以多樣化的產品陣容滿足不同消費者的用車需求,在美好的盛夏也要用滿滿大好運邀全民輕鬆入主Ford,與家人、朋友、寵物一同熱血出遊,盡享快意生活。自2017年6月1日起至2017年6月30止,購買旗艦休旅Ford Kuga或Ford EcoSport 即享最高價值12萬元之優惠[MCE Remote IR transmit and receive are supported on all generations of mce transceivers, as of lirc-0.8.6. Some newer devices may require post lirc-0.8.6 cvs for full functionality Historically, there were separate 1st-gen and 2nd-gen drivers, lirc_mceusb...