Electrical and Computer Engineering | Electrical and Computer Engineering - McGill University 我無法體會“十年修得同船渡,百年修得共枕眠”是怎樣的一種漫長,但我確信:愛,不僅需要苦尋,更需要守侯。 真正的愛情,需要兩個人用一生固守。滾滾紅塵中,兩顆心互動、磨合,從最初的靈犀一動到最終的渾然一體,這也是兩個靈魂不斷糾纏於吸引和排斥、疏離和親近的過程。這是Welcome to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Our campus is a located in the downtown area of the multicultural and lively city of Montreal, and more than 900 undergraduate students, 350 graduate students, 20 staff members and 40 facult...