特別企劃│休足時間掰掰!編輯推薦 5 雙 旅遊必備超舒適足履 ! 2018 年版 COOL 潮流酷報
Billy Crystal: Gay Scenes On TV Sometimes 'Too Much For Me' (UPDATED)由於自己是一個熱愛出國旅行的人,加上球鞋編輯的身分,不知不覺地也穿過許多球鞋出國閒晃,兩年前也曾為大家推薦 旅遊必備超舒適足履 ,畢竟絕大多數人都和 E 編一樣,出國的行程就是一大早出門,然後一逛到到晚上!常常因此而雙腳酸痛,儘管貼滿旅行聖品休足時間也毫無效果,但如果能挑對球鞋,就能將痠痛感減到最低Billy Crystal was one of the first actors to play a gay character on television, but that doesn't mean he isn't wary of some of the gay content that ends up on the small screen. The beloved comedian opened up about his feelings regarding the nature of gay...