Watch mintmadcow's Last Broadcast! - Twitch 圖片截自youtube下同 不知道大家有沒有這樣的經驗? 不管是在自己的租屋處,或者出去玩住飯店 偶爾會聽到一些「激烈的呼喊聲」傳出 可能還會伴隨著有節奏的...叫聲? 近日在中國廣西就出現了一起情侶去開房間 結果在酒店開房親熱聲音太大聲, 結果把其他房客惹怒到直接暴揍的事情 雷姓男子與女伴入住酒Donate if you enjoy the stream. I appreciate any donation, they help me with college and other house hold bills. With a donation of $1.00 the donation song plays and scares the shit out of me. I made a new rule that the top donation of the day can send me...