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Meet the Parents - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 耳罩式耳機一直都是凸顯特色最好的單品,而且耳罩式的設計使音樂的震撼力絕佳,大大的外型在服裝搭配上也格外顯眼。其實歐美有許多運動明星私底下會用這種大耳機穿出個人特色,像是前年大家為之瘋迷的世界盃足球賽,冠軍德國隊便得到24K黃金版的BEATS耳機,甚至是NBA美國職籃的明星們,都會有一附專屬的耳機。Meet the Parents is a 2000 American comedy film written by Jim Herzfeld and John Hamburg and directed by Jay Roach. Starring Robert De Niro and Ben Stiller, the film chronicles a series of unfortunate events that befall a good-hearted but hapless nurse wh...