meg whitman salary hp

HP gave CEO Meg Whitman a $1.9M raise in 2014 as revenues fell and employees' heads rolled | Venture 被困深山的那晚, 遇到了一個孩子, 他要求我幫他開門, 看到了他童稚的臉龐我放心開了! 沒想到卻…! 作者:沈尹秀Hewlett-Packard might be three years into a troubled turnaround program, but you’d never know it based on the latest compensation package for chief executive Meg Whitman. According to the latest proxy filing from HP today, Whitman received overall ......


Meg Whitman — CEO of Hewlett Packard and former candidate for CA governor - SFGate viaThe latest news on Meg Whitman, Hewlett Packard CEO and former California gubernatorial candidate. ... Latest columns visit|SFChronicle-Latest columns|navigation-www|1 Michael Bauer visit|SFChronicle-Michael Bauer|navigation-www|2 Jon Carroll visit ......


HP CEO Meg Whitman got an 11 percent raise in 2014 - Bizwomen viaWhen she took the helm of the struggling company in 2012, Whitman received a base salary of $1 a year, with the bulk of her compensation coming from stock grants. But last year, the board decided "the stage of the turnaround" warranted a base salary of $1...


HP Raises CEO Whitman’s Pay 11% as Splitup Is Prepared - Bloomberg Business viaHewlett-Packard Co. raised total compensation for Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Meg Whitman by 11 percent ahead of the computer maker’s expected split into two publicly traded companies by the end of the year. Whitman, who will run the new HP Enter...


Meg Whitman Is Named Hewlett-Packard Chief - The New York Times 卡塔爾:是一個在世界地圖上很難找到的一個國家。在20世紀初,大多數歐洲旅行者對是否存在這個彈丸半島國家都持懷疑態度。"但今天國際貨幣基金組織認為它是全世界最富有的國家。其人均國民生產總值為91379美元(約270萬台幣)。據國際貨幣基金組織預測,到2016年,其人均國民生產總值將達111963美元Hewlett-Packard replaced its embattled chief executive on Thursday with the former eBay chief executive Meg Whitman, saying that the company’s strategy to transform its business was sound, but that it needed new leadership to carry out the plan. The uphea...
