她大膽畫出男女在床上的「私密挑逗」,讓女人看得出水 男人看到狼嚎
Amazon.com: The Mentalist: Season 4: Simon Baker, Robin Tunney, Tim Kang, Owain Yeoman, Amanda Righe ▲男女的私密挑逗(source: 環球風景畫報,以下同) 來自米蘭的女性藝術家Frida Castelli,擅長描繪性愛的畫面,畫風大膽,看了讓人分分鐘臉紅心跳。她的作品最大的看點就是精美而細緻的局部刻畫和線條。只挑最為動人的細節部分進行刻畫,只是兩雙重疊的腳,被子和攬在上面的手臂,The Mentalist: The Complete Fourth Season Golden Globe and Emmy® Award nominee Simon Baker stars as PATRICK JANE, an independent consultant with the California Bureau of Investigation (CBI), who has a remarkable track record for solving serious crimes by ...