Joe Crump's Six Month Mentor Program 一車,兩人,三生有幸,這就是愛情最美的樣子! 你理想的老年生活是什麼樣的? 兒孫滿堂,在家帶帶孫子孫女 打打麻將或者去跳跳廣場舞? 可是總有一些人不甘於年齡 不甘於生活 有一對72歲的老夫妻 一車,兩人,十八年 攜手走遍祖國各地 From: Joe Crump Crump Publishing, Inc. Tuesday Morning, 10:53 am Hello Friend, The next Two Day Buying Event... ... in Indianapolis, Indiana. We hold these events 3 or 4 times a year and everyone who is in my Six Month Mentor Program or Inner Circle ......