2012 Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG - Autoblog - We Obsessively Cover the Auto Industry 今天在日本2ch論壇裡面看到一位網友ID:DNLi9bGG0.net發出的求助帖,網友聲稱女性好友在跟他視訊後,竟然裸身抽動了起來,這個把魯蛇急壞了,央求論壇裡的名偵探們幫他破解一下這個抽動的原因是啥~原PO今天跟我的一名女性好友在網路上視訊,視訊後我們互道晚安就結束了對話。我當時尿急,就沒下線,As ever, the noise, vibration and harshness work on this E63 AMG is industry-leading stuff, but all the same, you can still occasionally hear the wind-up and breathing of the twin Garrett Honeywell turbochargers – a fairly new AMG sound that harmonizes en...