mercedes benz e63

Mercedes Benz - 兇惡至極之貼地飛行器 M-Benz New E63 AMG - 汽車 - Mobile01   是蜘蛛人XD5.5升V8雙渦輪增壓汽油引擎所炸裂出的557匹馬力、全中速域可維持73.4公斤米扭力平原、4.2... ... 5.5升V8雙渦輪增壓汽油引擎所炸裂出的557匹馬力、全中速域可維持73.4公斤米扭力平原、4.2秒瞬時破百、可輕鬆解除封印的250km/h極速…,這不是一部超跑,卻快 ......


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Mercedes-Benz SOUND WITH POWER - Official new E63 AMG TV advert - YouTube   永遠同一件到底XD                Remix the roar of the new Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG engine; simply visit where you can build your own music mashup. Choose from a wide range of sounds, from Tinie Tempah to Sub Focus and share your favourite track. Find out more a...


Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG Review | Autocar 這視覺上實在是差了兩萬八千里啊!!!Contrary to what you may expect, the Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG never had a 6.3-litre engine – the old car packed a naturally aspirated 6.2-litre V8. Now the powerplant has shrunk to 5.5 litres but sprouted a pair of turbochargers. It is the same V8 mill alrea...
