Character encodings - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)相信攝影同好往往有的通病就是:為了拍出好照片寧可不顧形象。為了拍教堂頂端而站到馬路中央、為了拍樂團而硬擠到舞台前方、為了拍捷運車廂而大喊隨機單字(觀看範例)等等。你還做過哪些瘋狂事呢? Canon的新相機廣告裡利用攝影人的這點特質,拍出了有點放泥又有點感人的廣告。 成品 過程 &ndasFor a discussion of which approach is best for which type of (X)HTML document, see the tutorial Character sets & encodings in XHTML, HTML and CSS. The examples above show declarations for UTF-8 encoded content. This is likely to be the best choice of ......