【試駕】NISSAN JUKE‧2015全新改款英國進口跨界休旅 展現你的時尚霸氣
Object - Ruby on Rails API 嘿 嘿~這次大口又要來試駕一台特別的新車惹!大口這次要來試乘2015 NISSAN全新改款的JUKE,要帶大家來去內湖、陽明山亞尼克夢想村、牛奶湖跑透透啦!而這台JUKE可是自英國原裝進口的,以原生設計與強悍性能迅 速吸引大家的注意,非常適合全台趴趴跑啊!之前大口就已經有耳聞這台JUKE要從英國進Invokes the public method whose name goes as first argument just like public_send does, except that if the receiver does not respond to it the call returns nil rather than raising an exception. This method is defined to be able to write @person.try(:name)...