BMW X7 動態測試曝光
MetroPoint Bangkok Hotel - Metro Point Bangkok Budget Hotels in Bangkok,Thailand. Ramkhamhaeng 81 - BMW先前預告將在X系列的休旅車家族中,在新增一個定位於X5、X6的頂級旗艦七人座休旅X7後,將目標鎖定在Benz GLS –Class、Audi Q7德系競爭對手。這台建立在BMW新世代CLAR模組化平台的全新頂級「七人座」旗艦休旅車X7,與X5擁有相當高度相似的車身,但X7採雙腎型水箱護罩,和進MetroPoint Bangkok hotel thailand - The new hotel in Bangkok Thailand complete with meeting facilities, restaurants, 24 hours security service. Starting from 890 Baht/night - Metro Suite 3,100 Baht/Night, cheap hotel in bangkok. Budget Hotel in Bangkok. โ...