metro ui design

Metro UI CSS - The front-end framework for developing projects on the web in Windows Metro Style話說, 這裡是英國的劍橋大學的國王學院(King's College)     在英國這些古老的學院制大學裡, 有一種名為Porter的職業。 他們不是字面翻譯的搬運工,也不是傳統意義上的門衛。即是各個學院的保安,又負責一些學生日常學習生活的指導,職能有點像中國大學的指導員。 &Metro, a sleek, intuitive, and powerful framework for faster and easier web development for Windows Metro Style. ... BizSpark Startup Metro UI CSS is a BizSpark Startup. Microsoft BizSpark is a global program that helps software startups succeed by giving...


Metro User Interface, UI Controls, WinForms, WPF ▲男大生想約正妹女老師一起出去「玩」,沒想到最後卻神展開。(source:左ycwb/右chinatimes)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 很多網友分享常常藉由wootalk這個軟體而認識到這輩子的真愛,因此許多想脫魯或是想擁有經驗的男生都會玩此軟體,看看能不能藉此約到女生出來爽一下或找到Metro UI Controls for WinForms and WPF ... Metro User Interface Controls Metro is user interface design-language that is heavily text based and which uses design principles of classic Swiss graphic design....


Metro User Interface: Description and Web Design Examples - Designmodo2017年春夏的Louis Vuitton男裝系列,設計總監Kim Jones以童年的非洲回憶做為靈感來源,同時二度合作找來英國兄弟檔藝術家Jack Chapman和Dinos Chapman合作,手繪交織出四種動物風貌,藍海色的Vuitton Monogram圖紋是這些動物的大草原,遠看,你會覺得The new Metro style interface is a key feature of Windows Phone 7 mobile OS, Windows 8. It provides additional protection against the elements of Metro UI. ... The main principle of the system is its focus on the content of the user. After all, when worki...


Metro UI template ▲一名男子拿自己所有的財產100萬全賭在「同一個數字」上。(source:300tube)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 大家有玩過拉斯維加斯的賭博轉盤遊戲嗎?這是賭場非常常見的一個輪盤遊戲,由莊家負責轉動輪盤邊打珠,再看珠子落在哪一個數字就是得獎號碼。 根據twitter一名網友分享,有一Easily create Windows 8 Metro UI-style websites with this templating framework. Many features like live-tiles, slideshows and sidebars. ... This is a templating framework to build websites based on the Windows 8 Metro UI style....


How to Create Websites in Metro Style [UI] Design of Windows 8 - YouTube ▲日本網友挑戰幼稚園級甩尾,結果竟出乎意料?!(sourse : 左 ntdtv,右 twitter) 頭文字D一直以來都是大家最喜愛的賽車漫畫,除了改編成動畫外,大家對於周董主演的真人版也是耳熟能詳,其中最讓大家喜愛的絕對是飄移這項特技。根據ntdtv報導,日本一個專門愛搞笑的網友也與友人試了一Watch in HD. UPDATE... New Version Preview ::­NG Learn to create websites in Metro Style of Windows 8. In this video I have shown 'How to' create metro styled website using 3 programs : 1.Notepad 2.Adobe Dreamweave...


Modern UI Style Design by Microsoft - Designmodo ▲超奇特各國廁所文化,出國可別被搞混了!(sourse : lifebuzz,下同) 文化差異是我們都能感受得到的,即使與我們鄰近的國家彼此之間,也充滿許多差異極大的文化風格,更何況是人類最重要的事情之一:上廁所!根據lifebuzz報導,這裡就列舉了10種各國奇異的廁所文化。   #1This is how Microsoft described their new user interface vision at the release announcement of Windows 8. They encountered however some legal issues on the way, and are still under fire from Metro AG, one of the largest retail/wholesale group in the world...
