Diane von Furstenberg 帶來更時髦的Google Glass 設計
MFi Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Google Glass自從在美國開放售賣以來,在體育及流行領域的合作就一直不斷。這次,Google選擇與美國女裝品牌Diane von Furstenberg合作,為這一高科技產品帶來更時髦的外形設計。從6月23日開始,消費者可以在奢侈品購物網站NET-A-PORTER及Google商店上購買到Apple Inc.'s MFi Program ("Made for iPhone/iPod/iPad") is a licensing program for developers of hardware and software peripherals that work with Apple's iPod, iPad and iPhone, the so-called iDevices. The name is a shortened version of the original long-fo...