Kids (MGMT song) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia園丁在果園抓到一個偷蘋果的小孩 送小孩去見園主的路上 小孩說把帽子忘在果園裡了 園丁說 好吧 你去拿 我在這等你 結果小孩一去不返 一星期後 園丁又捉到同一個小孩這次我一定要抓你去見園主等一等 先生 我把帽子忘在果園裡了這時園丁胸有成竹說道這次你騙不了我 你在這等我 我幫你去拿有一個少女到部隊裡,探On June 3, 2009, MGMT released the official music video for "Kids". It was directed by Ray Tintori, who directed MGMT's previous videos for "Time to Pretend" and "Electric Feel." The video was released to the Oracular Spectacular version. The video follow...