想像未來Hyundai 45 EV Concept
MHL 3.0 specification -- 4K Ultra HD video on your smartphone取材自Hyundai在1974年所推出的小型概念車Pony Coupe Concept,再將當代品牌前衛設計語言、電池動力系統以及自動駕駛技術結合在一起,最終創造出來的成果就是45 EV Concept電動概念車。 之所以用45來命名概念車,不僅因為Pony Coupe Concept發表至今已Today, the MHL Consortium (Nokia, Samsung, Silicon Image, Sony and Toshiba) announces that the MHL 3.0 specification has been finalized. According to the consortium, "MHL technology is optimized for mobile and it allows you to send uncompressed high defin...