Amazon.com : Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF3KK 12 MP Micro 4/3 Compact System Camera with 3-Inch Touchscreen 剛剛我很悠閒的在逛FB 突然看到我一之前在國外研討會發表認識的外國學者PO了一篇文 Facebook secrets: When you are not in the Americas, the world looks different. 看完看了一下我的地球真的跟他不一樣 上面的FB是我的 下Panasonic's LUMIX DMC-GF3 realizes all the features you want from a bulky DSLR interchangeable lens camera, only it accomplishes this in an ultra compact point-and-shoot camera body about as wide and tall as a typical smart phone yet is lightweight and si...