Micro Four Thirds system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia人類史上的幾起有名歷史案件都跟「巧合」扯上了邊,讓我們來看看這些可怕的巧合吧! ▶泰坦尼克號和泰坦: 1898年,作家摩根·羅伯遜(1861年至1915年),寫了一篇題為徒勞或者泰坦的廢墟的小說,他概述了英國豪華郵輪HMS泰坦在橫穿北大西洋的航程中撞到冰山最終沉沒的故事,由1 Sensor size and aspect ratio 2 Lens mount 3 Autofocus design 4 Comparison with other systems 4.1 Advantages of Micro Four Thirds over DSLR cameras 4.2 Advantages of the electronic viewfinder 4.3 Disadvantages of Micro Four Thirds compared to DSLRs 4.4 A...