STAYREAL X Hello Kitty 潮流指標人物登場 華人品牌角色徹底翻玩 搖滾形象聯名
Micro Four Thirds system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia回顧去年底STAYREAL為歡慶最好的朋友—Hello Kitty祭出40週年紀念款深受好評後,緊接著壓軸登場的是,歷時往返半年,突破市場合作界線,獲得日本官方授權首肯的全新創作—「幸運星樂團」!這回由品牌知名icon「小鼠-Mousy」擔綱男主角,邀請Hello Kitty共組熱血搖滾樂團!也創下The Micro Four Thirds system (MFT) is a standard created by Olympus and Panasonic, and announced on August 5, 2008,[1] for the design and development of mirrorless interchangeable lens digital cameras and camcorders.[2] In 2014, JK Imaging Ltd., which cur...