micro four thirds speed booster

Amazon.com : Metabones Nikon G to Micro Four Thirds Speed Booster : Camera Lens Adapters : Camera & 這才叫臉書好嗎? 快來跟我一起玩吧!Metabones designs, manufactures and sells quality camera adapters and related camera accessories. Metabones has its own design team based in Japan and Hong Kong, and also has its own production line in China. As a camera accessories specialist, Metabones ...


Metabones Canon EF Lens to Micro Four Thirds Speed Booster 哈(四聲)! 看我的飛毛無影腳的厲害!Buy Metabones Canon EF Lens to Micro Four Thirds Speed Booster features Canon EF Lens to Micro Four Thirds Body, Increases Maximum Aperture by 1 f/Stop. Review Metabones Lens Adapters, General Lens Accessories...


Canon EF to MFT Metabones Speed Booster Review - What is it & how does it work? - YouTube 咳咳!這偷拍會不會拍得太名目張膽了一點! 我要去報警噢!More info here: http://tomantosfilms.com/4634/ef-m43-... Metabones Canon EF Lens to Micro Four Thirds Speed Booster http://bhpho.to/1qO5Xx3 Metabones Nikon G & F Lens to Micro Four Thirds Mount Camera Speed Booster http://bhpho.to/1pUrAbb Metabones Canon ...


Metabones announces 'Speed Booster' lens adapter for mirrorless cameras: Digital Photography Review 看來這必定是最新的大法師預告片了 不過...小姐,你這樣賣命演出是拿了多少酬勞啊?Specialist accessory manufacturer Metabones and optics company Caldwell Photographics have jointly announced the 'Speed Booster', a lens adapter for for mounting SLR lenses on APS-C and Micro Four Thirds mirrorless cameras that reduces the focal length by...


A Look At The Panasonic Leica 42.5mm f1.2 Nocticron Micro Four Thirds lens - YouTube 一年一度的母親節又將來臨,有關母親的話題也再度發燒。而螢光幕前眾多媽媽級女星,也在在顯出幸福洋溢的模樣來。因此,波仕特線上市調網 ( http://www.pollster.com.tw )在2012/5/7針對民眾心目中最具代表性的媽媽級幸福名女人以及自己母親的類型等相關問題進行網路民調。 &nThis is a take on the Panasonic Leica 42.5mm f1.2 Nocticron lens for Micro Four Thirds, M43, M4/3, MFT cameras by David Thorpe. In association with ePHOTOzine - http://www.ephotozine.com/?utm_source... See my M43 blog at http://m43blog.dthorpe.net/...


First Impressions: Metabones Speed Booster: Digital Photography Review     以後就穿拖鞋就好XD           延伸閱讀>>用10元就可以抽獎了呦~來福福袋And, if making lenses faster sounds like witchcraft, don’t forget that when you normally mount a full-frame lens on an APS-C camera, it illuminates an area larger than the sensor. With the Speed Booster, rather than losing this light, you’re effectively c...
