micro four-thirds

Micro Four Thirds system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia歲月就像一條河,左岸是無法忘卻的回憶,右岸是值得把握的青春年華,中間飛快流淌的,是年輕隱隱的傷感。世間有許多美好的東西,但真正屬於自己的卻並不多。看庭前花開花落,榮辱不驚,望天上雲卷雲舒,去留無意。在這個紛繞的世俗世界裡,能夠學會用一顆平常的心去對待周圍的一切,也是一種境界。  The Micro Four Thirds system (MFT) is a standard created by Olympus and Panasonic, and announced on August 5, 2008,[1] for mirrorless interchangeable lens digital cameras and camcorders design and development.[2] MFT shares the original image sensor size ...


Four Thirds | Micro Four Thirds | Benefits of Micro Four Thirds是我的終究是我的`我終歸是你的一個過客 `你始終不愛我`注定我和你就是什麼都不會發生` 注定`注定只是注定`不管我怎麼跨越 不管我怎麼想靠近你 `你還是會離開我的`我好想你`好想好想你`好想好想見你 Wouldn't it be something if a single camera the size of highly portable compact camera could record both still images and movies with the high picture quality befitting an SLR? This dream can become reality with the Micro Four Thirds System standard. Soon...


Four Thirds不敢說出口,因為我膽小,因為如果你拒絕,我以後就不能夠再見到你了,寧願默默的愛著你,不能讓你知道,直到,直到你投進別人的環抱! Excellence of Micro Four Thirds The easy way to find out what's so great about MFTS. Matching Simulation View different body/lens combinations from 5 different perspectives. Joint update service Guide to lens firmware downloading and more Four Thirds stor...


Mu-43.com - Micro Four Thirds User Group - Micro 4/3 Photography News, Discussion, and Rumors這是西班牙攝影師Victor Enrich一系列建築攝影作品,拍下各都市中的建築輪 廓,再以特效方式創造另一個超現實建築世界。 Mu-43.com is the world's most vibrant Micro Four Thirds photography community, featuring coverage of Micro 4/3 news, rumors, and an active discussion forum. ... We're making a concerted effort to feature great posts by members on the front page instead of...
