How to make a Micro Sim out of a traditional SIM - MicroSIM Shop 本文已獲 ShanghaiWOW 授權 微信號:shanghaiwow520 原文標題:瞞著對象才敢逛的快閃展,去的人都紅著臉走出來! 未經授權請勿任意轉載。 ▲唉訝竟然不是吃的啊!!(source:ShanghaiWOW,下同) &nbsOur Mini-UICC-SIM adapter (or mirco-SIM adapter) brings the micro-SIM card back to the 2G SIM cards size (15 * 25 mm). This means that a micro-SIM card can be used in both an iPad and any other mobile device....