Apple iPhone Micro USB Adapter - Apple Store (UK) 我們在班克斯、星際大戰或是奧斯卡提名的影片海報上都能看到這些令人愉快的標誌性樂高玩具,如果你以為它們就只是童年中有趣的玩具,那你就大錯大錯,因為現在樂高們已經跟上科技的腳步,它們最近被發現其實可以很「實用」。 這些樂高小手的尺寸被發現可以握住一綑Usb電線, Sugru 公司利用現在有的Use this adapter to connect iPhone to a micro USB cable to sync and charge, or to a micro USB charger to charge. ... I think this is the best thing I have bought all year, after converting to an iphone 4s earlier in the year, we found we had multi I think...