【JUKSY x Polysh】來自英國的經典風味 BURBERRY 歷久不衰的風衣之美
Review and Comparison of Logitech C910, C930e, Microsoft LifeCam Studio HD Webcams - YouTube 【 JUKSY x Polysh,原文在此 】 在台北舉辦的 Burberry 風衣藝術展(Burberry Art of the Trench),9/11-9/24 在 Burberry 位於 101 的超大旗艦店內展出;開幕當天邀來英國超模 Suki Waterhouse 主持,百位In-depth side-by-side comparison and review of Logitech (C910 and C930e) and Microsoft (LifeCam Studio) HD webcams, specifically in regards to their use with Windows (Windows 7 and Windows 8) and compatible capture software (Logitech Webcam Software, Micr...