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Amazon.com: Microsoft Office Home and Business 2013 (1PC/1User) [Download]: Software圖片來源:speedhunters 西元2020年的現在,我們受到排放法規、噪音污染及燃油效率的道德限制,大部分的車輛都已經是走向小排氣量,及強制增壓的引擎動力,但有時候我們還是需要找一個地方釋放自己的情緒,或許我們只需要短短幾秒的移動就能創造高潮。 這輛1968年誕生的雪佛蘭Camaro Office Home & Business 2013 Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote plus Outlook on one PC. Office Home & Business 2013 is designed to help you create and organize faster with time saving features and a clean, modern look. Plus, you can save your documents in th...