Microsoft Office - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia一個男人的告白:「戀愛才不重要,所以幹嘛要如此慎重其事的說『不要』。」 後來,妳說,妳再也不要戀愛了。 那種在上班時盯著電腦螢幕卻會突然失神,等到回過神來才發現自己雙頰溼潤;那種走路在街上會失去記憶,等到清醒時才發現自己正站在妳們約會常去的餐廳門口;還有在夜晚翻來覆去,想哭卻流不出眼淚的經歷,妳已經Microsoft Office is an office suite of desktop applications, servers and services for Microsoft Windows and OS X operating systems. It was first announced by Bill Gates of Microsoft on 1 August 1988 at COMDEX in Las Vegas. Initially a marketing term for a...