microsoft private folder 中文

how do i make a picture folder private ? - Microsoft Community  i want to make some pictures on my computer private, like put some kind of password on it or something. is that possible? how do i do it? ... Hi, Try FreeHideFolders which both hides the folder and requires a password for access so 1st someone has to know...


"Users" folder shared without restrictions? - Microsoft Community  Hi, I'm using the Windows 7 Release Candidate and I got the same issue. Using Sharescan 2.45 program, I noticed that my Users folder is shared on the network that has over 200 computers, and I have really private data in my folder :S Indeed, a ......


VOS3000上午最後一節課是歷史課,老師在課堂上講得興致勃勃。一個外號叫三毛的同學卻趴在課桌上呼呼大睡,老師十分生氣,就把三毛叫了起來。老師問:「你說,王安石和歐陽修有什麼共同點?」三毛脫口而出:「他們都是宋朝人。」老師接著問:「那你說說,他們和唐太宗、諸葛亮有什麼共同點?」他們都是古時候的人。課堂上一陣大笑,VOS3000, VoIP, VoIP運營支撐系統, 軟交換...
