綠能動力加持Ford Mondeo 2.0L Hybrid再立標竿
Amazon.com: Microsoft Surface Pro 3 (256 GB, Intel Core i5): Computers & Accessories 身為Ford品牌旗下當家旗艦房車,Mondeo始終以出色的運動個性與嶄新的科技內涵於市場中扮演獨特角色,最新世代車型再次展露無遺,不僅於2014年率先推出2.0L EcoBoost渦輪增壓汽油動力、2015年8月追加2.0L TDCi柴油動力車型後,最新油電動力車型2.0L Hybrid,更將結合Surface Pro 3 The tablet that can replace your laptop. Surface Pro 3 is in a category of its own. With a stunning 12" display in a sleek magnesium frame, Surface Pro 3 has all the power and performance of a laptop in an incredibly lightweight, versatile f...