Take a Note | Traveler’s Notebook 入手 求求你給我一個女朋友吧!身為1101五年級生的我變心了(掩面) 其實看 TN 看了好多年,每次都是看了之後又嫌貴(1101其實更貴= =) 總覺得沒辦法接受綁帶式的筆記本那很不牢靠的感覺 但是又深深被可以自行組合需要的內頁吸引...
全文閱讀Take a Note | Traveler’s Notebook 入手 求求你給我一個女朋友吧!身為1101五年級生的我變心了(掩面) 其實看 TN 看了好多年,每次都是看了之後又嫌貴(1101其實更貴= =) 總覺得沒辦法接受綁帶式的筆記本那很不牢靠的感覺 但是又深深被可以自行組合需要的內頁吸引...
全文閱讀Midori《2015 年式 Traveler’s Notebook / MD Diary》預定登記開始,8/27 – 9/22 | 明進文房具 我退休了! 不賣炸雞!你想要西瓜嗎!? = ="2015 年式 Traveler’s Notebook 預定登記,正式開始!這是第三年為各位朋友服務了,今年除了 TN 也特別加上了 MD Diary / 一期一會的預定,希望今年大家都可以早早的拿到屬於自己心愛的 TN / MD 與 2015 年內頁,一起來迎接美好的 2015 年吧!...
全文閱讀Midori TRAVELER'S Notebook // Brown | The Journal Shop 我很想知道投錢下去,出來的會是什麼!?When you open up the Midori Traveler's Notebook, two things are immediately apparent: that a great deal of care and attention has gone into making this product and, that you'll be keeping this notebook for a lifetime. The Midori Traveler's Notebook featur...
全文閱讀MIDORI TRAVELER'S NOTEBOOK: Flavors.me 雄:哆啦A夣! 哆:啥!? 你有事嗎!?This binder will keep up to five of the Midori Traveler's Notebook paper refills. It is like a win-win situation; having your notes stored in a efficient way plus the binder is just really ......
全文閱讀www.travelers-notebook.com - MIDORI TRAVELER'S NOTEBOOK: Flavors.me 是怎樣!?原來這年頭都流行CosplayThis binder will keep up to five of the Midori Traveler's Notebook paper refills. It is like a win-win situation; having your notes stored in a efficient way plus the binder is just really ......
全文閱讀Midori TRAVELER'S notebook Brown - Miscellaneous 他昨天水喝太多了!Misc-store stocks the entire range of the Midori TRAVELER'S notebook gamme. ... Despite all technology of our days, our iPhone still cannot beat analog paper and pen to-do lists, scribbles and doodles while talking on that very same iPhone....
全文閱讀身為1101五年級生的我變心了(掩面) 其實看 TN 看了好多年,每次都是看了之後又嫌貴(1101其實更貴= =) 總覺得沒辦法接受綁帶式的筆記本那很不牢靠的感覺 但是又深深被可以自行組合需要的內頁吸引...
全文閱讀2015 年式 Traveler’s Notebook 預定登記,正式開始!這是第三年為各位朋友服務了,今年除了 TN 也特別加上了 MD Diary / 一期一會的預定,希望今年大家都可以早早的拿到屬於自己心愛的 TN / MD 與 2015 年內頁,一起來迎接美好的 2015 年吧!...
全文閱讀When you open up the Midori Traveler's Notebook, two things are immediately apparent: that a great deal of care and attention has gone into making this product and, that you'll be keeping this notebook for a lifetime. The Midori Traveler's Notebook featur...
全文閱讀This binder will keep up to five of the Midori Traveler's Notebook paper refills. It is like a win-win situation; having your notes stored in a efficient way plus the binder is just really ......
全文閱讀This binder will keep up to five of the Midori Traveler's Notebook paper refills. It is like a win-win situation; having your notes stored in a efficient way plus the binder is just really ......
全文閱讀Misc-store stocks the entire range of the Midori TRAVELER'S notebook gamme. ... Despite all technology of our days, our iPhone still cannot beat analog paper and pen to-do lists, scribbles and doodles while talking on that very same iPhone....
全文閱讀Midori TRAVELER'S notebook Black Midori TRAVELER'S notebook Brown 001. Lined Refill Midori TRAVELER'S notebook 002. Grid Refill Midori TRAVELER'S notebook 003. Blank Refill Midori TRAVELER'S notebook 004. Pocket Stickers (3pcs.) Midori TRAVELER ......
全文閱讀The Midori Traveler's notebook is exquisite, the faultless execution of a noble idea! It is for all travelers who have a free spirit and it is a committed lifetime companion - ageing with grace. The leather cover is handmade in Thailand - a roughly cut, n...
全文閱讀Find great deals on eBay for midori traveler's notebook traveler's notebook. Shop with confidence. ... Items in search results Midori Leather Traveler's Notebook - Passport Size - Black $26.00 Buy It Now Free shipping FAST 'N FREE Get it on or before Fri,...
全文閱讀A couple years ago I reviewed the Midori Traveler’s Notebook and commented that it was too expensive at $60 and that I could easily make one of my own for $20 or less. After I posted that review, I ended up buying all the supplies I needed to make my own ...
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藝人劉香慈的妹妹民視主播劉方慈前幾天在臉書上和大家分享她在主播台下的真實照片 (source:劉方慈 Crystal Liu) 主播需要站著播報新聞,所以公司為了她準備一個大木箱讓她墊高 她說,「不是幾分的設備就做幾分的樣,我們只會呈現最好的一面給你們!」 網友看見照片後留言,「天呀,主播是這樣蹲
圖片截自youtube 如果有人說汽車在行駛的時候也可以換輪胎, 你認為有可能嗎?或者說辦的到嗎? 讓小編告訴你!就是有那麼多神人! 就是要挑戰這種不可能的事情! 影片轉自youtube
圖翻攝自youtube 韓國女團雖然一直以來,都會被網友批評是「複製人軍團!」不過其歌唱跳舞的實力卻都是有真才實料,自從金泫雅風潮席捲台灣後,陸續也有越來越多女團吸引不少台灣男粉絲遠赴韓國朝聖,快點一起來欣賞這段表演吧。 影片如下: 她們不僅在出道前要經過非常嚴苛的準備,甚至部分女藝