靈感來自法拉利,NIKE 發布Air Jordan 14 Retro 新款Challenge Red
Miko Matsumura » Speaker Startup Advisor Angel Investor on Platforms APIs & Mobile Cloud 最近,NIKE 為Air Jordan 14 Retro 追加了限量版鞋款Challenge Red,它的設計靈感來自於法拉利。除了吸引眼球的主色調——法拉利紅,該鞋款還以流線型的輪廓來展現跑車的線條美,軟羊皮的鞋面和碳纖維紋路的中底則凸顯了質感。另外,鞋身上黃色的點綴也與法拉利的logo 遙相呼Introduction Basho has been a very likeable company. Named for a Japanese poet, the company has long had a great technical reputation and a strong sense of style and panache in this often too-nerdy industry. Basho was founded in 2008 by a group of enginee...