你確定她們身分證上的出生日期是正確的嗎?我不敢相信這些女星都已經 40 歲了!
Milk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 有時候會覺得從小看到大的好萊塢女星們是不是都美魔女化身,每一個就算年齡已進入熟女階段,不管是在鏡頭前後或是生了小孩,容貌跟身材還是像青春少女般維持得很好,只不過相比以前年輕的時候多了份成熟及性感的韻味。今天要來介紹大家從小時候看著他們長大的好萊塢熟女星們,來欣賞他們就算年齡around 40卻比以Processed cow's milk was formulated to contain differing amounts of fat during the 1950s. One cup (250 ml) of 2%-fat cow's milk contains 285 mg of calcium, which represents 22% to 29% of the daily recommended intake (DRI) of calcium for an adult. Dependin...