Minas Tirith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia新加坡家事及少年司法中心做的一項調查顯示,夫妻關係在丈夫平均年齡40歲、妻子平均年齡37歲時最易出問題,離婚率也相當高。十多年的共同生活,磨合期早就過了,為何還逃不了婚姻危機?我們今天可以探討一下。 揭秘男女最易出軌年齡段 在男人40、女人37歲這個年齡段中,夫妻貌合神離的現像很普遍。Early history Originally known as Minas Anor, the "Tower of the Sun", Minas Tirith was built in S.A. 3320 by Anárion, younger brother of Isildur and second son of Elendil, High King of Arnor. Ostoher rebuilt the city in T.A. 420 as a summer residence, and...