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Minecraft 任何劇情加上迪士尼後彷彿都能變得夢幻,不管現實中多慘的畫面,到了迪士尼動畫後還是充滿夢幻色彩,也許這就是它的魔力吧!而發生在公主身上讓一切更加迷人,讓我們來看看公主們如果「打回原型」,一頭亮麗的髮絲在現實中應該是什麼模樣… ▼小美人魚一頭濕髮應該是如此… ▼灰姑娘起床後Minecraft is a game about placing blocks to build anything you can imagine. At night monsters come out, make sure to build a shelter before that happens....


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