Hunger Games | Minecraft Maps新一季的《爸爸去哪兒》不出意外的又一次成了全民熱議的綜藝節目。 僅僅播出兩期,一大波觀眾就被Jasper迷得神魂顛倒,小春哥的稱呼也一夜間變成了Jasper的凶爸爸。 在節目播出之前, 雖然小春哥和應采兒也經常在微博曬娃,可是方式Looks like our little Herobrine is at it again. Brining however many people he wants into this one event that nobody is brave enough to willingly go to. ... From the map author Smackboy The Hunger Games minecraft 1.3.2 The rules for the Hunger Games are s...