
Minecraft 螢光石傳送門 天堂 mod 1.6.4 最新版本!!! - YouTube你曾經被用哪種方式告白過?或是你曾經用這些方式跟人告白嗎??小心用錯方法可是會...很慘喔!! 有時候想耍浪漫還耍不了...!!記得告白要先看看對方的個性啊!!!不然鑽戒就這樣被吃下去也是有可能啊... viamod: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ckb... Minecraft 天堂 mod 1.6.4 螢光石傳送門 最新版 !!! 訂閱我吧!...


[Minecraft][教學]黑曜石傳送門製造教程 - YouTube這種朋友,才是真朋友啊!!! 酒真的不要喝太多... via要去Nether,首先要造一個黑矅石傳送門,需要以下物品︰ 黑曜石 x10 就是門的材料 沙 x...少許就可以 打火石 x1 用於最後打開傳送門之用 如片中把黑曜石排成的樣子 X黑黑X 黑XX黑 黑XX黑 黑XX黑 X黑黑X X=空氣 黑=黑曜石 排好後,用打火石右擊石面 ......


Minecraft – Pocket Edition App評論 - 最新iPhone iPad應用評論 via太簡易版⋯ (by 熊窩窩 on Fri, 20 Mar 2015 15:29:00) 我玩Xbox one的,手機版的少了太多太多東西,早知道就不買了,根本是花兩百多塊玩娃娃屋 想要1.8.1 (by Minecraft 愛好者 on Sat, 14 Mar 2015 16:47:00) 希望未來能有 1.8.1 把大部分的優點都已經移植了 (by ......


Portal Gun | Minecraft PE Mods viaPortal is one of the most popular video games today. The concept of Portal is teleportation. Through the use of a portal gun you can create portals and teleport from ... The mod implements these features to Minecraft. There are a wide range of portal guns...


Nether Portal - Minecraft Wiki viaThe Nether Portal was part of the October 31st, 2010 Halloween Update. It consists of a frame of... ... 2 different kinds of The Nether portal The Nether Portal was part of the October 31st, 2010 Halloween Update. [1] It consists of a frame of Obsidian, f...
