Cooler Master: Mini 2101. 戴過長的圍巾 1920年左右,一個名叫Isadora Duncan 的舞者有著一個美麗纖長的脖子,所以她很喜歡圍著又長又飄逸的絲巾在法國的郊野開車兜風。不幸的是,愛曬美脖的想法要了她的命:她當時坐在一輛跑車副駕,而圍巾卻被車後輪卡住。結果可想而知,這個妹子的脖子被扯斷,當場死亡。 The 1st Cooler Master slim microATX case as your HTPC Special design for space management: can be placed vertically or horizontaly with optional rubber stands Dual Super Speed USB 3.0 Includes one 80mm fan in the front Multiple air vents to keep constant ...