最終車型歷代最大313hp 限定魔力1000台幾乎完售
Creative MINI Cooper Advertising - Design Ideas and Tech Concepts - Toxel.com【蘇祺文/報導】三菱自動車在先前就已經發布了EVO X為EVO的最終車款,這話題也在網路上發酵造成話題,因此在今年4月時推出了最終車款「Lancer Evolution Final Edition」,並且在日本各個銷售據點開始接受預訂,而在當時就得知的消息就是幾乎已經被訂購一空,車輛規格也直到7月2Toxel.com - Design, Inspiration and Technology Blog ... Collection of the most unique and creative MINI Cooper advertising campaigns from all over the world. MINI Billboard Two curved palm trees used to create an illusion of speed and power.link...