2018 New Ford Mustang 狂放動力再創巔峰 搭載全新SelectShift™ 10
My Flybarless Mini-Titan v2 (RJX head / beastx) - HeliFreak富有濃烈美國文化色彩的Ford Mustang承襲一貫美式設計風格以及豐沛動力輸出,超過半世紀來一直都是跑車迷心中傳奇經典,2018 New Ford Mustang即將在台上市,並於今日正式開放預約訂購,蓄勢待發將在台釋放野馬熱力!2018 New Ford Mustang提供EcoBoost 2My Flybarless Mini-Titan v2 (RJX head / beastx) Thunder Tiger Electric Helis ... Nice set up.I have a v1 and thinking about getting the v2 kit with fbl.Nice heli as far as drive train but not liking having to add spacers and off geometry on the cyclic lin...