越戰時美軍殘暴虐待侵犯女俘虜 強剝女護士頭皮做槍套!戰爭實在太殘忍了。。。
Minor League Baseball - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 這個故事是來自美國本土的《刀鋒報》,因此可信度還是非常高的。其實戰爭本來就是瘋狂之人做的瘋狂之事,其中的事誰又能控制的了呢?一旦戰爭打響還有什麼人道主義可說的呢?當年的越南草木皆兵,也許美國派出這麼一支部隊也他自己的理由—— 剝下平民頭皮做槍套,割掉受害者耳朵做項鍊 從19Minor league baseball is a hierarchy of professional baseball leagues in the Americas that compete at levels below Major League Baseball (MLB) and provide opportunities for player development and a way to prepare for the MLB. All of the minor leagues are ...