Mio Technology - Contact Support - 168 拿著玩具槍,想像它發射出威力強大的子彈 或者假裝自己是英雄/惡徒/殺手,跟敵人進行激烈戰鬥... 這些事,很多人(尤其男孩)小時候都想像過吧? Is Tropical樂隊的MV《THEGREEKS》就把這種想像變成了“現實”。雖然這Mio 168 USB driver The Mio 168 USB Driver lets your computer communicate with your Mio 168 via ActiveSync. The Mio 168 USB Driver is released on-line for users who no longer own the original CD-Rom. The USB driver is needed by your PC to be able to ......