mipi m phy

MIPI Alliance Introduces MIPI C-PHY™ Specification and Updates its D-PHY™ and M-PHY® Specifications 三個做法,請選擇!!! PISCATAWAY, NJ, September 17, 2014- The MIPI ® Alliance, an international organization that develops interface specifications for mobile and mobile-influenced industries, today introduced its new MIPI C-PHY specification, a physical layer interface for ca...


技術應用文章-行動產業處理介面MIPI D-PHY和M-PHY簡介-浩網科技股份有限公司看看鍵盤...大驚!!!! 在以往電腦上廣泛應用的LVDS 介面,採用差動訊號傳輸,最高資料傳輸率可達655Mbps,在現今資料大量傳輸時已不敷使用,加上礙於在手持式產品小空間內要納入LVDS 排線也是件難事,而MIPI D-PHY 就可以提供了更適合的方案,無論是鏡頭模組或是顯示介面 ......
