miss a min

[Real miss A] episode 2. Guide Min's JYP Center Tour - YouTube原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:咲櫻 《Re:從零開始的異世界生活》相信這部作品對萌友們來說應該很熟悉。就算是沒看過這部作品的萌友,相信也知道其中雷姆這位人氣女角,畢竟雷姆也是在人氣排行榜上的常客。在劇中雖然不是第一女主角,但人氣卻高出愛蜜莉雅很多。最近官方宣布了新的消息,究竟是什麼呢? 《Re:從零開始的[Real miss A] episode 2. Guide Min's JYP Center Tour Download miss A the 7th project "Colors" on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/album/colors... miss A Official Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/saymissA miss A Official Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jy...


Beyonce - Partition Choreography (Miss A Min version) - YouTube 話說,在歐美國家,有很多體重超標的孩子,他們可能是因為飲食結構不合理或者是運動不足,亦或是一些內分泌和基因的問題,導致了他們只能穿大碼的衣服...   在過去的很長一段時間裡,大部分人都被教育不要歧視肥胖者,並且鼓勵超重人士勇於接受自己的外貌,不要因為體型而自卑等等...   Choreographing and shooting to my favorite artist Beyonce's hot single Partition! Part of a video series that I will be releasing as a creative outlet for myself and fans! Special thanks to: Video: Ben (http://vimeo.com/shooteverything) & Paul Kim Dancers...


miss A_百度百科 ▲原來「下一集蜘蛛人」的「女主角這麼正」?(source:左:brightside/右:Pinterest)   哈囉大家好~我是fufu編!今天要和大家介紹的是盤點5張「前後差超多」的電影劇照V.S.演員本人照。 根據brightside的分享,其實非常多的女演員本身長得非常漂亮,卻要miss A組合是南韓JYP Entertainment于2010年推出的女子組合,由兩名中國成員孟佳、王霏霏,以及兩名南韓成員裴秀智、李玟暎組成。2010年7月1日正式出道,發行首張EP《Bad But Good》,並獲得2010年度MAMA頒獎禮最佳新人獎女歌手、最佳舞蹈表演獎女子 ......


Lee Min Ho and miss A Suzy Are Dating; Both Agencies Confirm | Soompi 照片裡的這個女人名叫Manoush Vasquez,今年45歲,來自德國,     很多的女性都非常在意自己的容貌,希望自己可以保持年輕漂亮的樣子,但是,很少有人像Manoush一樣,為了保持自己的容貌,她幾乎已經到了瘋狂的地步了...   她之所以被報道,正是因為她An exclusive report by Dispatch was recently released, stating that miss A Suzy and Lee Min Ho are allegedly dating, having witnessed and captured the two together in London. According to the report, both stars left for Europe on March 10, although they h...


miss A's Fei and Min Had No Idea Suzy and Lee Min Ho Were Dating | Soompi 話說,英國一位小哥, 最近生活有點「甜」,   為啥?   因為他老闆名叫「Alice」,每當他聽到老闆的名字時,   舌尖上就會冒出一股水果棒棒糖的美妙味道 ......         而他背後的故事,  miss A‘s Fei and Min say they were completely unaware of fellow member Suzy dating actor Lee Min Ho up until the news broke at the end of last month. Fei and Min were guests on SBS PowerFM’s “Kim Chang Ryul’s Old School” on April 8, when they were asked ....


miss A's Min takes a hard fall on the set of Amber's 'Shake That Brass' MV | allkpop.com ▲現場示範圖。(source:youtube截圖,以下同)   哈囉大家好~我是fufu編!今天要和大家介紹的是歐美的AV男、女演員來分享他們的拍片生涯中那些「很濕密又很私密,原本一輩子都不想說不過既然你問了我就勉強講一下」的故事,其中幾個真實發生過的故事既心酸又笑料百出,看完都會讓你覺miss A's Min recently alarmed fans by posting a new video onto Instagram from the set of Amber's &qu ... miss A's Min recently alarmed fans by posting a new video onto Instagram from the set of Amber's "Shake That Brass." Unaware that the French horn had ...
