miss me

Miss Snark, the literary agent原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:咲櫻 巴哈姆特這四個字相信很多萌友都知道這個詞 他是龍之王,一個不論是什麼遊戲都有可能見到得傳奇生物 不過今天不是要講龍王,而是ACG最大的資訊中心 已經20歲生日的友站:巴哈姆特電玩資訊站 巴哈姆特電玩資訊站從1996年10月28日推出到現在已經有了20年 並於18號在台大Dear Miss Snark, As a hugely successful and incredibly wealthy New York literary agent, I gotta tell you that you’re really causing me heartburn. In the good old days, crappy writers did a crappy job of submitting their crappy queries, and I was able to c...


swissmiss▲各種超崩壞的迪士尼公主~哈哈(source:Facebook)   搞笑團隊「哈哈台」又出奇招了!前陣子才剛夯完的90年代歌曲對嘴,現在最新的作品推出那就是「經典迪士尼公主歌唱對嘴!」裡頭各種超解的公主和超誇張的表情,讓人真的是笑到受不了,一起來看看他們的影片吧! ▲這艾莉兒好噁心...tina roth eisenberg | swiss designer gone NYC ... In July of 2008 I started a co-working space here in DUMBO that over the years has grown from a 4 people space into a 50+ creative force called Studiomates....


miss - definition of miss by The Free Dictionary ▲據說答案超明顯,但是男友卻看不出來。(source:左ptt笨版/右vitao)右為示意圖,非本人   情侶相處久了,總是有屬於彼此之間的默契,但是有天突然不懂對方想表達什麼該怎麼辦?問了怕被罵,不問又不懂是什麼意思,真的是騎虎難下啊! 有一名男網友半夜在笨版PO文詢問網友:「跪求各位miss 1 (mĭs) v. missed, miss·ing, miss·es v.tr. 1. To fail to hit, reach, catch, or otherwise make contact with: He swung at and missed the ball. The winger missed the pass. The ball missed the basket. 2. To be too late for or fail to meet (a train, for e...


Little Miss Sunshine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia▲呵呵改了個名字就收到這種訊息了啊~~?(source:Dcard)   日前Dcard網友po出一段對話,表示自己因一時興起將自己的英文名字改成「Jeff」,沒想到沒過多久收到一封訊息表示:「Jeff我明天晚上七點有空,你可以嗎?」在原po用不雅口氣表明自己身份後友人直接爆氣回嗆! ▲兩Little Miss Sunshine is a 2006 American comedy-drama road film and the directorial film debut of the husband-wife team of Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris. The screenplay was written by first-time writer Michael Arndt. The movie stars Greg Kinnear, Steve...


Miss Marple - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia▲收到這禮物,任何人都會開心地尖叫吧!(source:twitter)   聖誕節過去啦~各位對自己的禮物都還滿意嗎?拆開禮物那瞬間的期待感真的是無與倫比啊~好的禮物讓你上天堂,壞的禮物讓你快抓狂!不過美國摩根可就不一樣了,他收到一份讓她上了天堂之後下一秒馬上抓狂的聖誕禮物~沒錯他收到一台Jane Marple, usually referred to as Miss Marple, is a fictional character appearing in 12 of Agatha Christie's crime novels and in 20 short stories. Miss Marple is an elderly spinster who lives in the village of St. Mary Mead and acts as a consulting dete...
