Miss Marple - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia看到她第一眼還以為是人妻或者少婦類型...知道最後才得知原來一切都是假象XD!有網友(qscxz)批踢踢表特發文《那隻手!》,分享一位氣質甜美正妹美照!只見照片中一張抱著小baby遭"襲胸"的犯規照引熱議!不少網友看到後紛紛誤以為是人妻、辣媽!紛紛留言表示:有這樣的老婆真的絕讚!!有臉有身材韻味十足Jane Marple, usually referred to as Miss Marple, is a fictional character appearing in 12 of Agatha Christie's crime novels and in 20 short stories. Miss Marple is an elderly spinster who lives in the village of St. Mary Mead and acts as a consulting dete...