miss wu

Designer Collections | Nordstrom - Nordstrom Online & In Store: Shoes, Jewelry, Clothing, Makeup, Dr這才是真正的「金龜車」啊~~Shop the designer collections at Nordstrom.com. Browse luxury clothing, shoes, handbags and accessories from top designers. Totally free shipping and returns. ... Our policy is simple: We'll ship almost anything on our site to anywhere in the United State...


Gallery | Miss Christine Wu老師問學生:「人生自古誰無屎,你接下一句。」學生答:「有誰大便不用紙。」老師很生氣,叫學生罰站。這時,老師看見窗外下著雪,就感慨的說:「上天下雪不下雨,雪到地上變成雨。變成雨時多麻煩,為何當初不下雨。」學生說:「老師吃飯不吃屎,飯到肚裡變成屎。變成屎時多麻煩,為何當初不吃屎。」老師當場暈倒!Menu...


Designer Clothing for Women | Nordstrom我就不相信他的手不會酸..........Shop online for women's designer clothing at Nordstrom.com. Browse our selection of designer dresses, sweaters and more, plus read customer reviews. ... Our policy is simple: We'll ship almost anything on our site to anywhere in the United States—even Ala...


Brenda★晶光『閃閃』: 2007韓劇【愛情殺手吳水晶】(刀手吳水晶)7/28首播 - yam天空部落史上最"厲害"的球迷~該劇講述的一個叫高滿秀的青年不但身材肥胖而且司法考試落榜,結婚當天被吳水晶甩掉,之後用了8年時間戰勝自己的不足,成為才貌雙全的職業高爾夫球員後,回到韓國開始對吳水晶的復仇活動,反倒被吳水晶窮追不......
