mit media lab project

MIT Media Lab - Official Site 發售時間:1月30日除夕當天13:00開始販售 發售地點:全省CUBOX直營店及授權經銷點 發售數量:限量共100件,售完為止 【共一色】黑 【尺寸】S、M、L、XL 【售價】1280 【VIP會員】1150 CUBOX 台北西門旗艦店 住址:台北市萬華區峨嵋街68號1樓  (02)23Broad range of human-machine research, focused on machines with common sense, viral communications, "smart" prostheses, advanced sensor networks, innovative interface design, and sociable robots. Includes information on academics, research, publications, ...


MIT Media Lab 又到了一年一度熱鬧喜慶的農曆新年,JUICE Taipei 今年推出史無前例超限量福袋:NT$6880 以及 NT$3980 兩款,1月31日大年初一正式登場。 購買NT$6880 福袋將有機會獲得當前最搶手紐約品牌 HOOD BY AIR 單品,以及數個超值限量商品。此外, JUICE TaipAn interactive dynamic display table from Sean Follmer, Daniel Leithinger, and Professor Hiroshi Ishii of the Tangible Media group. inFORM is a Dynamic Shape Display that can render 3D content physically, so users can interact with digital information in ...


MIT City Farm | As part of the City Science Initiative at the MIT Media Lab, we explore the technolo幽默大師STANCE,再度展現其頑童的風格,推出左右不對稱的色塊拼接 VANISH與一半素色一半條紋的FIFTY FIFTY男襪,穩重的配色,有如建築概念的線條都展現了紳士風格裡的不同風貌! 無論你用任何方式走跳你的人生,很多事情本來就是一半一半!一半素色一半條紋,不按牌理出牌,這就是STANCE的Traditional agricultural research is extremely opaque and difficult to access. The Open Agriculture project seeks to change that by providing a platform for global researchers to share their data, discuss their findings, and work to advancing the common c...


Visualizing Light at Trillion FPS, Camera Culture, MIT Media Lab 讓我們回顧一下巴黎男性時裝週的亞洲藝人表現吧,權志龍 (G-Dragon) 和Taeyang 接連趕場2014秋冬巴黎男裝大秀,GD 不改時裝混搭街頭風格的酷勁,Taeyang 則以以極富劇場效果和高度吸睛的造型現身。 像在2014秋冬巴黎男裝週 Lanvin 秀場上,GD以全套 Lanvin 2Team Ramesh Raskar, Associate Professor, MIT Media Lab; Project Director (raskar(at) Moungi G. Bawendi, Professor, Dept of Chemistry, MIT Andreas Velten, Postdoctoral Associate, MIT Media Lab (velten(at) Everett Lawson, MIT Media Lab...


Biomechatronics | MIT Media Lab SURVIVAL本週六發售"WESICK Sport # Hoodie" "WE SICK"由光明及黑暗概念來交織而衍生成衝突, 並策畫[搖滾]及[運動]兩種風格商品來貫徹主題。 使用了符號做為圖型的概念並結合輕量的特色功能, 對於注重運動及休閒生活絕對是不可或缺的單品。 顏色 : 白 / 黑 SMassachusetts institute of technology, MIT, MIT Media Lab, robotics, prosthetics, prostheses, exoskeletons, orthoses, orthosis, science, engineering, biomechanics ......


Commercial Version of the MIT Media Lab CityCar Unveiled at European Union Commission Headquarters | SANUK STEVIE 反摺帆布高筒靴:秋冬的女靴不只是雪靴的天下! SANUK推出的可反摺帆布高筒靴,帆布輕盈的鞋身加上編織格紋的多色內裏,搭配可外翻的鞋舌,one tone延伸到雙色混搭帶來秋冬女靴兩穿的樂趣。STEVIE女靴以綁帶設計增加鞋子的包覆性,可隨穿搭者的意思隨意調整綁帶的方式,邊A full-scale version of the stackable, electric CityCar, created by researchers at the MIT Media Lab and commercialized by a consortium of automotive suppliers in the Basque region of Spain, was unveiled at the European Union Commission headquarters on .....
