2010 Mitsubishi Lancer EVO X FQ-400 | car review @ Top Speed有一次我朋友的姐姐去麥當勞應徵工讀生,隔日..收到通知已被入取,她那時候高興不已的大聲狂笑星期日是她第一次上班,一到那邊其他工讀生利用工作的時間順便教她先做一些雜事,過了幾天後,她看大家都會處理一些漢堡薯條可樂等事情她就很高興的跑去問那天當班的經理,說請問可以教我做漢堡嗎??但那當班經理一付不削的臉Do you remember the Mitsubishi Evolution FQ 330 that we showed you last week, well that was nothing compared to this, the FQ 400. Whereas the 330 HP version seemed to be nothing more than an EVO MR with a reflashed ECU, the FQ 400 is a whole different ani...