「精靈系」超模來襲,讓你過目不忘的「小奧黛麗赫本」 Cecilia Mendez !
Using USB headset with Stereo Mix without 3rd Party software - YouTube 她的名字叫做 Cecilia Mendez,你絕對要記住這位來自阿根廷的超正精靈系模特兒,忘記那些火辣的,炎炎夏日就讓這位模特兒界的「小清新」替你消消火吧! 夏天來了,你絕對能看見許多打扮清涼的超正比基尼模特兒,但是除了這些吸「睛」的辣妹們,小編想介紹更令人無法抵抗的夏日「小清新」****NOTE**** after many people trying to use this for skype... this will not work for skype or any other voice chat program. This setup is typically used for commentary on video games, music applications or recording commentary over an application where s...