miz say it's forever

The Miz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia▲大熊這次最大的敵人絕對不是胖虎了...(source:instagram、爆廢公社) 每到過年前,家中總要做些大掃除的活動,其中一項大難關就是家裡的大型布娃娃,這東西到底該怎麼洗?日前在臉書非公開社團爆廢公社中po出一篇文章表示,一名阿公想幫孫子的大熊熊洗個澡,決定把它帶到自助洗衣店去轉一轉,結果Michael Gregory "Mike" Mizanin (born October 8, 1980)[1] is an American professional wrestler, reality television star, and actor. He is signed to WWE, where he performs under the ring name The Miz. Mizanin first gained fame as a cast member on MTV's The ...


Quiet Life ▲男生和女生的差別,網友才看到第一張圖就笑到流淚了XD(source:vorply,下同)   人們總是常說「男生和女生的世界是不同的」儘管這句話有少數的男生和女生不太認同,但是大多數的人還是認為這是再正確不過的一句話! 根據vorply分享,這裡有6張超有趣的「男女生活對比圖」,你看完Emma came home for a mother's day visit and to go to cousin Willie's law school graduation party! It was a beautiful weekend with fun visits and deep talks and loud laughs. Emma and I went to the farmer's market on Saturday morning. I bought pickled beets...


Les Misérables (musical) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ▲漫畫家catana生動地畫出「剛交往的情侶」VS「早就度過熱戀期」的對比圖,被網友讚爆。(source:czaal,下同)   你跟男友平常相處的時候,都是什麼樣的情景呢?相信剛交往和已經是老夫老妻的情侶一定有不同的感觸! 有一名美國的插畫家名叫Catana,她在自己的IG畫下了自己與Les Misérables (pronounced /leɪ ˌmɪzəˈrɑːb/; French pronunciation: [le mizeʁabl(ə)]), colloquially known as Les Mis or Les Miz (/leɪ ˈmɪz/) is a sung-through musical based on the novel Les Misérables by French poet and novelist Victor Hugo. It has music b...


Batman Forever (1995) - IMDb嗨嗨,大家好,我是A小姐。゚+.(・∀・)゚+.゚ 不知道大家的日本女明星偶像是誰呢? A小姐女星喜歡的是長澤雅美,模特兒的話則是青文字派的Amo、赤文字派的話則是Lena!不過,根據佐佐木希也是很常在台灣廣告中看到~ 根據大陸網友驱动之家的分享,一名就讀日本東海大學醫學部的妹子就神似Directed by Joel Schumacher. With Val Kilmer, Tommy Lee Jones, Jim Carrey, Nicole Kidman. Batman must battle Two-Face and The Riddler with help of an amourous psychologist and a young circus acrobat who becomes his sidekick, Robin....


The NSA Is Building the Country's Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say) | WIRED ▲男網友發現捷運上有「臭臉正妹」,希望能透過網友搜尋到本人。(source:批踢踢,下同)   相信有些男生曾經有過「在路上或大眾運輸工具上遇到自己非常欣賞的菜」的經驗,想進一步瞭解卻怕唐突了對方,這時候該怎麼辦呢? 在沒有網路的時代或許真的只能留下驚鴻一瞥的回憶,但是在現代只要將照片PThe National Security Agency's immensely secret project in the Utah desert will intercept, analyze, and store yottabytes of the world's communications—including yours. ... The NSA’S SPY NETWORK Once it’s operational, the Utah Data Center will become, in ....


Facebook's New Terms Of Service: "We Can Do Anything We Want With Your Content. Forever." – Consumer 本文轉載自微博公眾號:英國那些事兒(Wechat:hereinuk) 原文標題:這個42歲男模特和自己72歲父親合照後,兩人就變成了模特界的父子搭檔...   今天要說的,是這兩個人...     照片里這兩人都是模特,今年42歲的Remco Van Der LindThis post has generated a lot of responses, including from Facebook. Check them out here. Facebook’s terms of service (TOS) used to say that when you closed an account on their network, any rights they claimed to the original content you uploaded would ex...
